Thuringia Germany Airports
Airports! Search for EU airport codes and information with Qpzm. Simulation Aviation and Personal use only.
Browse for Thuringia, Germany Airports
- Europe Airports
- Germany Airports and Codes
- Altenburg-Nobitz, Eisenach-Kindel, Erfurt, Arnstadt-Alkersleben, Bad Berka, Bad Frankenhausen, Bad Langensalza, Gera-Leumnitz, Gotha-Ost, Greiz-Obergrochlitz, Jena-Schöngleina, Mühlhausen, Nordhausen, Obermehler-Schlotheim, Pennewitz, Rudolstadt-Groschwitz, Sömmerda-Dermsdorf, Suhl-Goldlauter, Weimar-Umpferstedt
- World Airports